Performing: Vincent and David Geer (violin), Florian Kästner (Jazz-Piano), Ensemble amarcord, Jugendsinfonieorchester Leipzig, amici musicae, Chor & Orchester, Leipzig and former members of the ensemble (conducting: Ron-Dirk Entleutner)
The big “birthday party” takes place on Music Night in St. Peter's Church. Former and active ensemble members have put together a program with works from “30 years of amici musicae”. Long-standing musical companions will be making a rendezvous.
Works by Bach, Brahms, Weismann, Martin and many more will be performed.
Celebration Concert | Bach: Mass in B minor, BWV 232
30 years »amici musicae«
Date: 02.11.2024
Time of day: 6:00 pm
Location: St. Thomas Church, Leipzig
Performing: Sara Mengs (soprano I), Susanne Langner (soprano II), Christina Bock (alto), Florian Sievers (tenor), Anton Haupt (bass), amici musicae, Chor & Orchester, Leipzig, (conducting: Ron-Dirk Entleutner)